Getting into a fender bender is something that we do not desire, however accidents do happen and when it does it is always best to have insurance coverage over our vehicle.
With that in mind, what are the steps you should take when you encounter an accident to make sure you have everything needed to claim from your insurance:
1) Stop and seek assistance from a traffic enforcer to obtain a sketch.
2) Get the name and contact information of the other party. If possible get the make/model/color/plate number as well as their insurance company.
3) Take your own photos of the incident, along with the extent of the damage not only to your car but also the other vehicle involved in the accident.
4) Most importantly, stay calm and relax. You might be shaken up but anger will not resolve anything. Just follow the lead of the traffic enforcer and they will lead you through the proper process by:
a. Creating the sketch
b. Referring you to the nearest police station to determine who is at fault based on the sketch
c. Issuing a Police Report which would be needed to claim from your Insurance
Next week's post will be about the documents you will need and the steps to take in order to claim from your insurance and repair your vehicle.
Next week's post will be about the documents you will need and the steps to take in order to claim from your insurance and repair your vehicle.
Photo Courtesy: Top Gear Philippines
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