Thursday, May 28, 2015

MECHANIC'S CORNER: Toyota Hilux Transmission Problem

Hilux on the lifter for pull-down of transmission
This week a Toyota Hilux came in the shop having an issue with the lack of responsiveness of the pick-up when shifting gears. Obviously this is a transmission problem and is easily fixed by replacing a few parts within the transmission.

So in order to begin the repairs, it is necessary to pull-down the transmission and disassemble it in order to reach the necessary parts to be replaced.

As seen in the image below: is the clutch disc, clutch brake and clutch pressure (highlighted in red) which is the usual culprits for replacement as it gets worn out over time and heavy use. Once these parts are replaced with new one's, the transmission would be put back together and installed.

Image of the propeller shaft, flywheel and clutch disc assembly to be replaced

When driving your car please be vigilant with any noise, smell or other signs that may alert you that something is wrong with your vehicle. At your utmost convenience, have your vehicle inspected by a professional. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Happy Driving!

Note: When having your vehicle inspected and it seems that the mechanic or shop is providing you with a high expense for the repair other than your initial concern, you can always opt for a second opinion by dropping by another shop and asking for their view. You never know that a fix to your problem is something very small and have minimal costs.

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